Being more authentic is an attitude
With a new authentic attitude you will develop new behaviors and ways of doing
Authentic communication is all about expressing yourself productively and making productive inquires.To negotiate constructively you have to be conscious about what is at stake and how you and the other party think and feel about the situation, before expressing it. To start focusing on what is in your control also takes another mind set and will take you and your organization to success beyond success. New behaviors creates new outcomes reinforcing your values
The outcome of taking the path to being more authentic is reinforcing and confirms your core truth and your values. You will not only achieve great new results, such as transparency, speed and flexibility, authentic leadership, effectiveness in meetings etc, you will find yourself and your organization on a higher level of authenticity, ready to start a new journey of improving your skills in authentic communication Albert Einstein
"Insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" |
The path to being more authentic methodology is based on:
1. ALIVE LEADERSHIP AND TEAM DEvelopmentYou will ”walk” the path to being more authentic together with your coach, alone and/or with your team while practicing your new skills in your reality and reaching your goals.
2. ALIVE Coaching with horsesYou can practice authentic communication in a neutral environment together with horses. Horses are powerful catalysts and accelerators. The horse mirror your behavior and will give you 100 % honest and direct feedback on your way of communicating.
3. Workshop design and facilitation
We can contribute with pre-studies on your existing organizational challenges and assist you as your guide on your path to being more authentic, with a combination of workshops, coaching and mentoring, tailored to suit your organizations specific needs.
4. Culture change navigation.
The methodology "The path to being more authentic" is inspired by Axialent and the book of Fred Kofman ”Conscious Business”. We work together in organizational cultural change projects . More info
5. Speaker service
Based on our knowledge, experience and by using metaphors we give inspirational lectures, reflecting the values of being transparent and taking the path to being more authentic in organizations.